Coastwide Power has skill, experience and knowledge! Which means we can help you plan, design, carry out, maintain and repair any type of electric pole. We can deal with all types of private pole installs and overhead wiring systems.
Unmaintained and damaged power poles can lead to fires, electric shock or damage to property. That’s why regular inspection and maintenance of private property poles and overhead wiring systems is so important. It insures not only your safety and that of your family, but the reliability of your power.
Reality is, most private power poles across Queensland are reaching the end of their serviceable lifespan after 30-50 years. They are subject to structural issues due to weather, termites, rot and corrosion. How old are you property poles and when were they last checked?
Serious defects could cause a fire, an electric shock or some other form of personal injury. Some of the issues you should look out for are:
- Excessive lean on poles
- Signs of rotting or corrosion just below or at ground level
- Broken electrical fittings or wires, or those that are pulling away from the pole
- Cross arms that are sagging, loose or splitting
- Dead or over hanging trees
A safety inspection is recommended every five years by a qualified electrical contractor because of the risks. So, if you’re not sure of the condition of your property pole, then contact us today to organise an inspection.